List of technologies used by PPTS for their services


The origin for a technological development is innovation and creation. We, PPTS (India) Pvt.Ltd, provide our standardized services in the following technological aspects.


Magento, an open source e-commerce platform is a well renowned sector for its flexibility and overall management functionality in the world of online shopping. PPTS provide space for custom integration and web design customization, thus providing an amazing platform for all online shopping preferences.


Hypertext Pre-processor/PHP, an open source designing script widely used for web development acts as a powerful tool for innovating productive and interactive web applications and web pages. PPTS provide services in web page development and web application development in the PHP platform since it is notable for its speed, cross platform and for its community support as it is considered to be the most popular open source scripting language.

Mobile App Development

Smartphones are considered to be the modernized gimmick of our human era. PPTS equip these finger-friendly devices by customizing prerequisite user friendly applications, thus providing a basis for their existence in our daily life.

JAVA Development

JAVA as a widely used computer programming language has its influence on developing all kinds of applications which works on distributed environment. In order to satisfy our customers’ requirements on various platforms, our developers prefer java as a basic solution since it is platform independent and for its support with other programming languages.

SharePoint Development

SharePoint, a Content Management System and a web based portal, developed by Microsoft is a platform used for collecting and storing information of various fields in an organization on a web portal access. PPTS solutions render our services in SharePoint Development for an enterprise to maintain their data, documents, and other information.


UI is the design provided by the UI designer which obliges users to communicate with the provided digital services. Whereas UX is the user experience gained from the designed user interface. Our PPTS UI/UX team work towards an authentic user-interface so that our users experience a peppy ambiance.

As Jason Ogle quoted,
“UI is the bridge that gets us where we want to go, UX is the feeling we get when we arrive.”




